

d a n c e

Moving is like being
flown like gOd flies a bird
lapping like gOd plays,
waves water ...
dancing like flames fly a fire.

~ awesome web update coming soon ~





Katherine is an improvisational movement artist who creates by responding to light, touch, sound, space, impulse, energy, natural elements, props, physical tension, spirit, silence, emotion, and the varying circumstances provided by the present moment. She has worked with wind, water, trees, rock & roll, children, sculptural installations, photographers, choreographers, bands and solo musicians. She has performed off-Broadway; on dams and rock walls; in galleries and music videos; in rivers, streams and churches; and at various art centers around the Northeast. While at college in the early nineties, she single-handedly brought the lost art of 'go-go' dancing back to New York City via appearances in mainstream nightclubs and a cage installed for her at the Limelight. A car accident and the development of severe chronic illness kept Katherine from dancing for more than three years, but in 2002, she began moving and performing once again. At one outdoor festival, a deaf woman said that she was able to hear the music by watching Katherine dance, and that she was actually speaking Native American sign language with her body. Currently, Katherine resides in Massachusetts, dances as much as possible (which is never enough), writes educational materials about environmental health issues, and hosts a local radio show. Contact Katherine if you need an artist who can add a physical dimension to your work or event, if you would like to enhance your comfortability with natural movement and dance, or if you have any questions: katherine[@]katherinedance[.]com.

vine photo by A. Phillips
website by Katherine

Copyright 2007 Katherine Dance

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